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Inspecting logs for the Build Step, Runtime, and Edge Network traffic of a deployment can be crucial to pinpointing aspects of its behavior and understanding better where improvements can be made.
Today, we are thrilled to announce support for Log Drains: collect all of your logs using a service that specializes in storing app logs.

Introducing Log Drains

Log Drains make it easy to collect logs from your deployments and forward them to archival, search, and alerting services by sending them via HTTPS, HTTP, TLS, and TCP once a new log line is created.
At the time of writing, we currently support 3 types of Log Drains:
  • JSON
  • Syslog
Along with Log Drains, we are introducing two new open-source integrations with logging services for you to start using them today: LogDNA and Datadog.

The LogDNA and Datadog integrations available in the ZEIT Integrations marketplace.

Getting Started

  1. Install the desired integration from the ZEIT Integrations Marketplace.
  2. Follow the configuration steps provided and choose a project to connect with the service.
  3. Watch your logs appear on the selected service.

The LogDNA and Datadog application interfaces.

Benefits of Log Drains

  • Persisted storage of logs.
  • Large volume of log storage available.
  • Ability to create alerts based on logging patterns.
  • Generating metrics and graphs from logs data.


With Log Drains, you can easily collect and forward your deployment logs to a third-party logging provider, such as our fantastic launch partners LogDNA and Datadog.
Want to create your own integration? Explore our API documentation and Open Source example.
All of our work is heavily driven by feedback from our users. For feature requests, or to suggest ideas to make our platform and your experience better, please reach out to us via email or on Twitter.